I Heart NZ
We’ve left New Zealand again and just as last time it’s been an amazing trip. I can’t tell you how much I love NZ. It’s hard to explain how absolutely amazing this country is, especially to someone who hasn’t been here.
New Zealand is quite a small country, it’s smaller than Sweden and has less people, but it has so much! There is so much to see and do here. As my parents said; every day it’s like we’re visiting a new country. They have the fiords, glaciers, rainforests, beautiful beaches, glowworm caves, some of the most beautiful lakes I’ve ever seen, the Southern Alps, Rotorua with the Maori culture centers and geothermal parks, great cities, adventures like bungee jump, sky diving, whitewater rafting, caving, canyoning, paragliding, jet boating, skiing and so much more. There is something for everyone here.
NZ is really tourist friendly and the great thing is that they don’t charge you for everything and I love the fact that public toilets are every where, they are free and really nice. And even parking is free in a lot of places.
Everything is so clean and nice and you don’t see a lot of graffiti and crap everywhere like in a lot of other places.
The kiwis seem to be so proud of their country, as they should be and they have the country outlines on so many different things, you can buy bowls, t-shirts, clocks, jewellery and so many other things in the shape of New Zealand and it’s nice stuff, not tacky crap. I like it, you should be proud of your country and you should be allowed to show it. Unfortunately in Sweden and England (and probably lots of other countries) you can’t show too much pride cause people will call you a racist. Luckily you are allowed to show pride for another country so this is what I’m doing. NZ feels like a second home to us and we both love it a lot.

NZ lakes & rivers
NZ has a lot of lakes and rivers and the colours of a lot of these are just amazing! Some of them almost look poisonous cause they are so beautiful. The camera can’t really show the colours off properly but it will give you some idea.
Somewhere near Twizel
Lake Wakitipu
Lake Tekapo
Tasman Glacier Lake
Clutha River
Lake Pukaki
Lake Tarawera
Twizel, Mt Cook & Lake Tekapo
Last time Andrew and I were in NZ we stopped in Twizel for less than an hour, it didn’t look like much and everything seemed to be closed so we quickly moved on to Mt Cook. This time we spent a bit more time in Twizel and we loved it. Fair enough last time we were there it was autumn and now it is summer so that could have made a difference but still.
The reason why we did stop here this time is because of the fishing, we thought we’d check it out.
However the weather was so good that dad didn’t do that much fishing, he did some and caught a few fish, but instead we just swam in the river and enjoyed the awesome weather. It was so nice!
The day after it was windy as hell and we went to Mt Cook. We couldn’t do the walks we wanted to cause of the weather but we did walk to Tasman Glacier Lake. To be honest it wasn’t as impressive as last time we saw it but still pretty cool.
Just as we were leaving it started to rain but when we got back to Twizel it was sunny. Dad and Andrew did some fishing in some river and mom and I chilled out.
We spent the night at Lake Tekapo, it was really cold and pissing down so this evening we had to play yatzy in the campervan, I still lost though.
Andrew and I swimming in the river
Mt Cook
Tasman Glacier Lake
Lake Tekapo and The Church of the Good Shepherd
Queenstown & Milford Sound
After Wanaka we went to Queenstown, it’s the adventure capital of the world but we didn’t actually do anything adventurous. We did some shopping and ate some really nice food.
After 2 days we moved on to Te Anau. We couldn’t do the Milford Sound cruise that day so instead we went fishing. Well, dad fished, Andrew and I watched and I took some pictures.
It takes about 2 hours to drive from Te Anau to Milford and we had booked the morning cruise so we had to get up really early. I’m glad we did book the early cruise cause the drive there was more stunning in the morning. The clouds were low and it looked like spirits were rising from the ground and the lakes, it was beautiful.
Andrew and I have done the cruise before but we did the afternoon cruise then and to be honest I don’t think it matters how many times you do the cruise I still don’t think you would be disappointed and lets be honest, there is no way you could get sick of the views. It is truly amazing. I know I say that a lot but it is. It’s hard to truly explain how wonderful and beautiful New Zealand is and with Milford Sound it’s hard to explain how big it is, how amazing it is.
I took a picture where you can see a tiny boat at the bottom corner of the picture but in the reality the boat is actually very big.
On the way to Milford Sound
Do you see the little white ship?
After our night at the glacier we went to the next glacier, Fox Glacier, we didn’t walk it or anything but we had a quick look at it before heading off down the west coast.
This day contained a lot of driving, there is just not a lot on the road between Fox and Wanaka, ok we stopped at Haast for some lunch and Haast Pass is a nice drive but the weather was crap, it rained a lot, just like last time we were there. But as soon as you get over to the other side of the Alps the sun comes out. It’s amazing.
Lake Wanaka and Lake Hawea are some of the most beautiful lakes I’ve ever seen and I’ve even lived in the Lake District. Driving along the shore of either these lakes is so nice and when you get over the hill and see Lake Hawea on the other side with the mountains in the background it just takes your breath away, it works every time.
We stayed at a campsite by Clutha River, which apparently is NZ longest river and of course dad did some fishing. The woman in reception said that there was quite a lot of fish in the river but they were very hard to catch, but dad being dad caught one within 15 min.
Our first full day in Wanaka dad went fishing (of course) and the rest of us went to a vineyard, Rippon, I think we got to sample more than 6 different wines, at 10 in the morning, good start to the day :)
Then we had a look around town before heading back.
It was a nice chilled out day.
This is where we stayed
Lake Hawea
Beer and glacier
We survived the night and it wasn’t bad. The sandflies were still there in the morning so we left as soon as we could and drove with the windows open to get the bastards out!
First stop of the day was Greymouth, we needed to do some shopping and we were also checking out a brewery or dad Montheits, he got a few beers and a t-shirt and even a free hat.
Then off down the coast and our destination was Franz Josef Glacier, we found a camping site and then we went to the glacier. We walked almost all the way to the glacier, I think we were only a couple of hundred meters away. I’ve seen it before but it’s still awesome. It’s just so hard to imagine how big it really is. It’s so cool (hehe I know, it’s made of ice but still).
Franz Josef glacier
Can you see the people up walking?
The top
Andrew, me and mom
South Island
We also spent half a day in Hamilton and another in Auckland before jetting off down to the South Island.
We picked up our campervan as soon as we landed, had some breakfast and headed to the west coast via Arthur’s Pass. Arthur’s Pass was a great drive! A lot better than Lewis Pass which we used last time. We did a stop at Castle Hill where I think they have shot some scenes from Lord of the Rings and Narnia, either way it was very beautiful, but the whole drive was beautiful.
We did another stop along the way and lots a few Kea’s. They were not shy and got up really close to us.
We made it to Hokitika and went straight to Hokitika Gorge. It was amazing! The colour of the water was just amazing! I just wanted to jump in and hug it! I obviously didn’t, but I did go down and stepped into the water :) The pictures just don’t do it justice but you’ll still get the idea.
Our first night in the campervan was spent at a DOC site (camping more or less rough) at Hans Bay. Took forever to get there and it was very busy. I went for a little walk and noticed that a bit further along there were no people at all so we parked there instead.
We went to bed pretty early cause we were being eaten alive by sandflies! I think they are worse than mosquitoes cause they are smaller, you can’t hear them and not all of them bite, just the females and how do you know which ones are the evil bitches? You don’t until they have bitten you and it hurts!
Arthur's Pass
Dad fishing
Hokitika Gorge
Next stop was National Park. The weather wasn’t the best but we made the best of what we had. Dad did some more fishing and even though we were advised not to attempt the Tongariro Crossing, mom and I still did. We knew we wouldn’t be able to do it all but our goal was Soda Springs and we did make it there and back :) For those who don’t know, Tongariro Crossing is also the home of Mordor and Mt Doom from Lord of the Rings. The clouds were really really low, they went all the way down to well the road. It was also very windy and by the time we got to Soda Springs the weather had gotten worse and by the time we got back to the car park we were soaked, in spite of “waterproof” clothes and Gore Tex shoes (“guaranteed to keep you dry” yeah right!). It was still worth it though and we still did see a lot.
After we met up with Andrew we went for a hot chocolate and it was soo nice. Where dad was fishing it had been 18 degrees and where mom and I had been it was 9.
Mom into the mist
Dad fishing in Tongariro River
I'm back
Since we are now on the road travelling now and will be for the next couple of months I think I’m gonna write only in English now. I mean I have a lot to write but not a lot of time since time is money when you have to pay for the internet and all our Swedish friends and family members understand English I thought it was a good idea :)
Sooo, as you know my mom and dad are here now and we have been very busy so here’s where we’ve been and what we’ve been doing:
We spent 2 nights in Rotorua and we did lots. The first night we went to some hot springs and just relaxed in the 40 degree water. It was soo nice! We also took a short walk to where the water actually bubbled up from the ground and apparently it was 98 degrees there and then it cooled down when it ran down the stream, it was pretty amazing to see.
The day after we went to Te Puia and checked out the geothermical valley, lots of bubbling mud pools, sulphur lakes and geysers. It was pretty awesome but sometimes it smelled really bad, of eggs and fart.
After Te Puia we went to Lake Tarawera where dad did some fishing and the rest of us just enjoyed the beautiful view and weather.
In the evening we went to Mitai for a Maori experience! The beginning was a bit slow, the guy was welcoming us in every language he knew and it was quite a few. When it finally started it was great. We walked through the rainforest and then a waka (a maori war canoe) came down the river. After that we went with them to their “village” and we got to meet the “chief”, he was great! Really funny and still very informative. We got to learn about the Maori culture, instruments, weapons and we got to see a display of the haka and poi two different maori dances. It was really really good!
After the show we got to eat hangi which is Maori food cooked in the ground. It was chicken, beef, lamb and lots of other foods and dessert!
The experience didn’t end there, after dinner we all got torches and we went out in the forest again and got to see glow worms and a beautiful spring. It was a great night!
After Rotorua we drove towards Taupo and we stopped at Huka Falls and did some jet boating, it was dad’s idea and it was a good one. It was so much fun, we all felt like children :)
Hot water bubbling up
Te Puia
Us at Te Puia
Dad at Lake Tarawera
Here's a little update. We’ve been quite busy these past days and the reason is, mom and dad have arrived!!!
They arrived on Sunday and I met them at the airport in Auckland. It was so good to see them again!
On the first day the weather was a bit shitty, it rained more or less all day so we went to Kelly Tarlton Underwater World and checked out the stingrays, sharks, turtles, penguins and we also found Nemo.
On Monday, the weather was a bit better, cloudy, sunny, rain, sunny, cloudy and so on. We started the day by taking the ferry to Devonport and went up the mountain and the view was very beautiful. A small shower came, but we took shelter in the trenches.
After a coffee break, where Andrew got his hot chocolate served in a bowl, we went back to Auckland, checked out the big boats in the harbor and had lunch.
We had a drink at an Irish pub and then we went to the Sky Tower. We took the elevator all the way up, 186 meters up and the view was pretty good :) mom was bit cautious and did not go too close to the glass :)
Yesterday we left Auckland and drove to the Coromandel and the first stop was Hot Water Beach. There you can dig a hole in the sand and the water, which then comes up, is hot. We couldn’t be bothered hiring spades but we checked out all the others who had. They were digging like crazy! We sneaked out feet unto other peoples wholes and yes sure enough the water was pretty hot.
Then there was a very long walk to Cathedral Cove! 40 min there and 50 minutes back (more uphill), it was pretty tough and hot! It was very beautiful when we got there but we were pretty tired.
We got to Tauranga in the evening, bbqed some meat and drank some wine :)
Today the sun was shining! So we went to Mt Maunganui beach and chilled out in the sun, dad and I even had a dip in the sea.
Dad was supposed to have gone on a fishing trip today but couldn’t. A ship (Rena) hit a reef not far from here in October and yesterday the ship split in two and the 150 containers which were still on the ship started falling into the sea. Some of them sank to the bottom and some of them are floating around and washing up along the shoreline.
It really sucks because not only did it mean dad couldn’t go out fishing but it also means the dolphin safari booked for tomorrow got cancelled as well. Stupid idiot captain thinking it was a good idea to take a short cut over a reef!
Leaving Tauranga and Jimmy’s again tomorrow, feels a bit strange, but we have a lot to look forward to. Mom and dad will be here for another 2 weeks which is great!
We found Nemo
View from Devonport
Sky Tower
Cathedral Cove
A day at the Mount

Happy New Year

Back to NZ