Hej hej
In the evening we got to rest for about an hour before we went to meet Kate and John at the pub for some happy hour drinks and some food.
On Saturday it was time for the Great Ocean Road (GOR)! We picked the car, Andrew got the others while I got fruit, veg and bread at the market, we had bought the alcohol the night before. Then we were off. The weather was like usual in Melbourne, it was the sun, rain, wind, sun, clouds and so on.
The first stop was Torquay, had lunch and checked out Bells Beach, which is a famous surfing beach. A lot of people were surfing, crazy muppets, it was really cold in the water!
Then off again, this time was the Kennet River, we drove along a dirt road in search of koalas and we found them. It's like picking mushrooms, you just have to find the first one, once you have done this and get your "mushroom-eyes" you see them everywhere! So was this, we saw loads of koalas in the trees. Lucky though Andrew still kept his eyes on the road as there were also quite a few kangaroos around. A few of them jumped in front of the car but ut was ok.
We had rented a cottage at Johanna. Such an amazing find by Andrew! It was really really nice! It was a bit chilly when we got there but we got the log fires going and then opened the sparkling wine. Life is bloody good sometimes!

Förlåt att jag inte har uppdaterat på länge men vi har varit väldigt upptagna. Förra torsdagen kom Nicklas, Jennifer, Maria och Jaina på besök och det har varit fullt ös hela tiden!
I fredags så visade jag runt dom i Melbourne, solen sken, det var 25 grader och vi gick omkring i 7 timmar! Jag visade dom stan, the Shrine, Botaniska Trädgården, floden Yarra, stadiona (MCG, AAMI Park, Rod Laver etc), sen åt vi lunch, då kom Andrew och som tur va tog han med sig solkrämen så vi slapp bränna oss alltför mycket.
På kvällen fick vi vila i ca en timme innan vi skulle möta Kate och John på puben för lite happy hour drinks och lite mat.
Gick och la oss rätt skapligt ändå, det blev ju en tidig morgon på lördagen.
På lördagen va det dags för Great Ocean Road! Vi hämtade bilen, Andrew hämtade de andra medans jag handlade frukt, grönsaker och bröd på marknaden, vi hade redan inhandlat en massa sprit kvällen innan. Sen iväg. Vädret va som vanligt i Melbourne, det var sol, regn, vind, sol, moln osv.
Första stoppet var Torquay, åt lunch och kollade in Bells Beach som är en berömd surfarstrand. Många surfade, galna muppar, det var ju skitkallt i vattnet!
Sen vidare till Aireys Inlet, där kollade vi in Split Point Lighthouse.
Sen kom vi till Lorne, där åt vi lite igen och sen tog vi en promenad till Erskines Falls, pojkarna var ju såklart tvugna att klättra så långt fram som möjligt, vi andra nöjde oss med att stå vid klipporna och ta kort.
Sen blev det Teddy´s Lookout, där tog vi lite fel väg, skyltarna var lite missledande så vi tog en promenad genom skogen vilket vi inte hade behövt, men det var tur i oturen. Helt plötsligt började Nicklas kackla, men han sa visst bara "Kolla koala, kolla koala" väldigt snabbt. Och jepp högt där uppe i ett av träden satt en liten koala. Sen delade vi upp så att en del kollade efter koalor i träden och en del efter ormar och skit på backen. Vi såg inga fler djur på promenaden. Sen kom vi fram till utsiktsplatsen och det var så vackert! Jäkla häftigt.
Sen iväg igen, denna gång blev det Kennet River, vi körde längs med en grusväg och letade efter koalor och vi hittade dom. Det är som att plocka svamp, det gäller bara att hitta den första, när man väl har gjort det och fått sina svamp-ögon, då ser man dom överallt! Så va det här oxå, vi såg skitmånga koalor i träden. Som tur va så höll iaf Andrew ögonen på vägen, det fanns även en massa kängrur i området, ca 4 av dom hoppade framför bilen.
Vi hade hyrt en stuga vid Johanna. Så jäkla schysst ställe! Det gjorde Andrew bra som hittade det. Det var lite kyligt när vi kom dit men vi tände brasorna och öppnade skumpan. lördagsmys på hög nivå!

Sorry I haven't updated in forever, but we have been very busy. Last Thursday Nicklas, Jennifer, Maria and Jaina came to visit us and it's been full on since then!
Last Friday, I showed them around Melbourne, the sun shone brightly, it was 25 degrees and we walked for about 7 hours! I showed them the town, the Shrine, Botanical Gardens, Yarra River, the stadiums (MCG, AAMI Park, Rod Laver, etc.), then we ate lunch, then Andrew came and he was nice enough to bring the sunscreen so we didn't have to get too burnt.
Last Friday, I showed them around Melbourne, the sun shone brightly, it was 25 degrees and we walked for about 7 hours! I showed them the town, the Shrine, Botanical Gardens, Yarra River, the stadiums (MCG, AAMI Park, Rod Laver, etc.), then we ate lunch, then Andrew came and he was nice enough to bring the sunscreen so we didn't have to get too burnt.
In the evening we got to rest for about an hour before we went to meet Kate and John at the pub for some happy hour drinks and some food.
On Saturday it was time for the Great Ocean Road (GOR)! We picked the car, Andrew got the others while I got fruit, veg and bread at the market, we had bought the alcohol the night before. Then we were off. The weather was like usual in Melbourne, it was the sun, rain, wind, sun, clouds and so on.
The first stop was Torquay, had lunch and checked out Bells Beach, which is a famous surfing beach. A lot of people were surfing, crazy muppets, it was really cold in the water!

Then on to Aireys Inlet, where we checked out the Split Point Lighthouse.
Then we came to Lorne, where we ate a bit again and then we took a walk to Erskine Falls. Of course the boys had to get closer to the waterfall than was suggested, but the rest of us were happy with taking in the view from the rocks.
Then on to Teddy's Lookout, where we kind of went the wrong way, the signs were not that clear, so we took a walk through the woods which we hadn't needed to, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. All of a sudden Nicklas started making funny noises but it turned out he was saying "kolla koala, kolla koala" (look koala, look koala in Swedish) very fast. And yep up there in one of the trees was a small koala. Then we decided that some of us were on koala watch and the rest on snake, lizard and spider watch. We didn't see any more animals during the rest of the walk. Instead we came to the lookout and it was sooooo beautiful!
Then we came to Lorne, where we ate a bit again and then we took a walk to Erskine Falls. Of course the boys had to get closer to the waterfall than was suggested, but the rest of us were happy with taking in the view from the rocks.
Then on to Teddy's Lookout, where we kind of went the wrong way, the signs were not that clear, so we took a walk through the woods which we hadn't needed to, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. All of a sudden Nicklas started making funny noises but it turned out he was saying "kolla koala, kolla koala" (look koala, look koala in Swedish) very fast. And yep up there in one of the trees was a small koala. Then we decided that some of us were on koala watch and the rest on snake, lizard and spider watch. We didn't see any more animals during the rest of the walk. Instead we came to the lookout and it was sooooo beautiful!
Then off again, this time was the Kennet River, we drove along a dirt road in search of koalas and we found them. It's like picking mushrooms, you just have to find the first one, once you have done this and get your "mushroom-eyes" you see them everywhere! So was this, we saw loads of koalas in the trees. Lucky though Andrew still kept his eyes on the road as there were also quite a few kangaroos around. A few of them jumped in front of the car but ut was ok.
We had rented a cottage at Johanna. Such an amazing find by Andrew! It was really really nice! It was a bit chilly when we got there but we got the log fires going and then opened the sparkling wine. Life is bloody good sometimes!

Andrew and the Mick-ubitchi

Crazy surfers

Maria, some bloke, Nicklas, Andrew and Jennifer

Split Point Lighthouse

Erskine Falls (and the boys)

Can you see the koala?

There's one

And another

Andrew and I at Teddy's Lookout

Teddy's Lookout


Andrew in Apollo Bay
