GOR Part 2

När jag skulle gå och lägga mig såg jag en skitstor spindel i Maria och Jainas rum, Andrew slog ihjäl den och så kastade vi in den i brasan (för att vara på säkra sidan).
The boys at Triplet Falls
The way to the falls
Triplet Falls
On Sunday when we woke up it was windy as hell! It had been raining and been very windy more or less all night, at one point I thought the walls were gonna cave in, but they didn't.
The weather wasn't actually as bad as it sounded. We had out breakfast and then we were off again, Nicklas wanted to drive so he could get some practice for when they go to NZ.
The first stop was Triplet Falls. It was an hour long walk through the woods. They warned of snakes, slippery roads and falling trees but it was fine, although we did almost hit a wallaby on the way there, it kind of whipped the car with its tail but no injuries to anyone.
The waterfalls were cool and this time Andrew and Nicklas kept to the track.
After the waterfalls we went to Otway Fly Tree Top Adventures, but we thought it was a bit expensive plus it was still very windy so we had a snack and then went to Otway Lighthouse. The way there was so cool, we saw sooooo many koalas! So awesome!
We didn't get to see the lighthouse cause they charge $17.50 for that, we didn't feel it was worth it, so we went back and had a look at more koalas.
Then we stopped at Gibson steps. It was soo windy, we all almost got knocked out when we got out of the car!
We went down to the beach, the sand was so soft and the waves were so big. I had a bit of an "accident". A wave came in a little too fast for me to have time to get away, clumsy as hell really. My legs and trousers got a bit wet, but since it was so windy they tried quite quickly anyway.
In the evening we went to Apollo Bay and watched the rugby, it was the semifinals, NZ All Blacks against Australia's Wallabies. All Blacks kicked the Wallabies butts :) so this weekend we will be watching the final between the All Blacks and France.
For dinner we BBQ'd steaks and drank some more bubbly :)
When I was going to bed I saw a huge spider in Maria and Jaina's room. Andrew killed it and we threw it in the fire, just to be on the safe side
A bit windy at Gibson Steps
Andrew and I on the beach
Rough sea
Jennifer, Jaina and Maria are doing some koala spotting
Mommy and baby koala
Spidey (RIP)
RIP Spidey, you will be missed... NOT! Awwwwwwwww koalor - de slår ju nästa dumle kola (!) i söthet, eller? Verkar som ni har haft det underbart. Gött - cuz you're worth it...
Btw, niiiiiice! ;)