Hej hej,
The other day we went to IKEA, it's not far from here and it's not the last time we'll be going there.
Then I just have to tell you that I found Swedish ciders here, that was a bit surprising I have to say. I obviously bought one and it was just as nice as at home :) I think it was a bit expensive though, it was like in Sweden. You see I expect alcohol to be a lot cheaper in all other country but Sweden.
Har provjobbat i ett café idag, det gick bra och dom vill att jag jobbar igen på söndag och jag fick gratis mat, mums :)
Häromdagen va vi på IKEA, det är inte så långt från där vi bor. Andrew åt köttbullar, jag åt kokosboll och dammsugare hehe och sen köpte vi såklart värmeljus, det är ju lag, Marabou choklad med Daim, polarbröd (skitgott) och Ahlgrens bilar.
Det är inte sista gången vi åker dit kan jag ju lugnt påstå.
Sen måste jag bara berätta att dom säljer Rekordelig cider här, hur skumt är inte det? Kopparbergs har jag ju sett i England och har sett några här men det är Rekordelig som gäller. Dom är visst skitpopulära oxå. Jag köpte en jordgubb/lime, så god, men dom e ju lite dyra tycker jag, nästan 50 kr, det känns lite dyrt, iaf men tanke på att vi är utomlands, sprit ska ju vara billigare i alla länder än Sverige.
Oh sen såg jag i vår lokala lilla butik att dom säljer Hobnobs Mjölkchoklad (på svenska), lite roligt, tycker jag :)
Hi all,
Did a trial work day at a café today, it went well and they want me back on Sunday which is good. Plus the food is really nice and I got some for free :)
The other day we went to IKEA, it's not far from here and it's not the last time we'll be going there.
Andrew ate meatballs (with mash not chips), I ate kokosboll and Dammsugare, yummy!! Then we bought tea lights (I think it's the law when you go to IKEA), Marabou chocolate with Daim, Ahlgrens Bilar (sweets) and Swedish bread :)
Then I just have to tell you that I found Swedish ciders here, that was a bit surprising I have to say. I obviously bought one and it was just as nice as at home :) I think it was a bit expensive though, it was like in Sweden. You see I expect alcohol to be a lot cheaper in all other country but Sweden.
Oh and then I saw that they sell Hobnobs in our little corner shop, with Mjölkchoklad (milk chocolate), in Swedish. That was also a bit strange I thought.

Postat av: Bibbi
KÖTTBULLAR Å POTTMOS, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm så svenskt så..........