St Patrick's Day
Igår va det St Patrick´s Day och även David och Annas sista dag här i Phuket så detta skulle ju såklart firas.
Vi åkte till Karon och till en irländsk pub. Det var även rugby på TV England mot Irland, den matchen började tyvärr inte förrän kl 1 vår tid så det blev rätt sent. Stackars David och Anna, deras buss imorse gick kl 6 och vi var inte hemma förrän efter kl 3.
Vi hade iaf en skitkul kväll! England vann rugbyn men ingen verkade speciellt ledsen för det.
Vad har vi annars haft för oss? Ja, inte så mycket, det vanliga; sola, bada, shoppa, äta och thai massage såklart. Gäller att passa på och njuta vi har ju inte lång tid kvar på denna resa. Imorrn drar vi vidare igen, väldigt tidigt på morgonen.
Yesterday it was St Patrick’s Day and it was also David and Anna’s last day here in Phuket so obviously we had to celebrate this.
So we went to Karon, to an Irish pub (of course). It was also rugby on TV but the England v Ireland game didn’t start until 1 am our time so it was a pretty long night. Felt a bit sorry for David and Anna, their bus this morning left at 6 and we didn’t get back until after 3.
We had a brilliant night and even though England won no one in the place seemed too upset.
So what else have we been up to? Not much really, just the usual; sun, sea, pool, food, drink, shopping and of course some Thai massage. We have to make the most of it, we don’t have that many days left of this trip. Leaving tomorrow morning, very early in the morning so it will be an early night tonight.
David and Anna
Us in a Tuktuk
The beach

Nu är vi i Thailand, känns bra att vara tillbaka :)
Igår mötte vi upp med David och Anna (Andrew jobbade med David i Melbourne) och det var så kul att träffa dom igen! Dom lämnade Melbourne i augusti så vi har inte sett dom på länge och vi utbytte en massa roliga historier.
Idag har vi varit på stranden, vattnet är lite för varmt, det var skönare i Hoi An, men vaddå vi ska inte klaga egentligen. Våran pool på taket är ju lite svalare och utsikten är helt ok :)
Nu har vi varit ute och ätit och jag åt svensk pizza med bearnaisesås. Jag har längtat i flera månader efter denna pizza och det var sååååå gott!
We are now in Thailand, feels good to be back :)
Yesterday we met up with David and Anna who we haven’t seen since they left Melbourne in August (Andrew worked with David) and it was so great to see them again! They have been travelling around a bit as well and it was fun to compare stories.
Today we’ve just been chilling out on the beach, the water is a bit too hot for our liking, it was nicer in Hoi An but hey we shouldn’t complain, plus our rooftop pool is a bit cooler and the view is also pretty amazing :)
We’ve now been out for dinner, I had a Swedish pizza and bearnaisesauce, it was soooo good. I’ve been waiting a long time for this pizza and it was just as good as I remembered.

คุณขอบคุณ (thank you) Thailand
We've had a great time here, had a lot of sun, sea, massages, drinks, a bit of shopping and more.
Andrew's off now to book a taxi for us to take us to Trat airport tomorrow morning. Then I think we'll go and have our last banana pancake, go back to the hotel have a couple of drinks and then get packing.
I thought I'd put some more pics on here of Thailand.
The beach terrace at The Dewa
Klong Prao beach at sunset
Sunset at Klong Prao beach
White Sand Beach
White Sand Beach
Happy Songkran!!
Happy Songkran or Thai New Year! It started on Monday and I htink it finishes on Sunday.
Yesterday it was a massive water fight and everyone was involved, and I mean everyone! People were standing along the roads armed with buckets, bowls, water pistol and anything else they could use to throw water on you. People were also on trucks driving around throwing water on you. Needless to say within 3 min in the taxi (which is an open truck taxi) we were drenched, completely!
We moved to another place today, Chang Cliff Resort on White Sand Beach. Luckily we were prepared for this (a bit) and our bags were protected.
We walked through "town" and got even more drenched although you can't get more drenched than we were.
Some were nice and just poured a bit of water on your arm and wished you happy new year, others weren't as nice and just poured or threw a bucket over you! It's all in good fun though. It's to wash away all the bad and old and represents a new beginning.
It was so much fun!! The music was on, people were dancing, singing and throwing water at each other, they were old, young and even very young. You could see moms on mopeds with a child on the back armed with a water gun :) Amazing!
Today we thought it was over and went to the beach. On the way home however, we realised that the fight was on again and today they had ice cubes in their buckets!! We took a taxi from one side of the beach to the other were we live and it was a good move, we only got a bit wet :)
Me, absolutely soaked
Happy Songkran!
Triple D
This is for Rubina, Anne and the rest of my colleagues at Towers Watson.
Triple D: Dolly, Dumle & Drink :)
Moped, sea, sun, rain and snakes
Yesterday we rented a moped, it cost next to nothing. Andrew drove, of course, and we are still alive and no injuries :) We went up the hill and had a look at the view from the view point, it was nice, but then I found a baby monkey and he had no legs!!! Poor monkey!
Andrew wouldn't let me keep him so we continued on to Lonely beach, it was very nice and peaceful, we played a bit of frisbee, had a swim and just had a nice time. Then we went to Bang Bao, walked out on the pier, which is huge and full of market stalls and hostels and smelly seafood restaurants. Did a bit of shopping and then had something to eat, which didn't smell bad.
Then off to Kai Bae and Bailan Bay, for a little more shopping and just having a look around.
Today we walked to the beach. It was very cloudy which was nice, it was also a bit breezy (=very nice). Then it started raining, like really heavy monsoon kind of rain. So we took cover under a little shelter, where they probably used to do thai massages. So we sat there, watching the rain, then we saw something above us, we looked up and guess what it was............a bloody snake!! I hate snakes more than anything!
It started moving, I thought it was gonna make a jump for me, honestly I could see it in its eyes it wanted to kill me. So we left, quickly, and ran to the next shelter, where there were people. We think it was a Pit Viper Apparently they can't kill you but they can seriously hurt you and it almost scared the life out of me!
Gonna sort out some pics for you now
Change of plans
Som ni kanske vet så skulle vi ha 2 veckor i Thailand på vägen ner Down Under. Vi skulle flyga till Surat Thani och sen bo på kusten en vecka och sedan åka över till Koh Samui. Men det sket sig. Tack vare Jennifer fick vi igår reda på att dom har lite problem där borta. Det har kommit "lite" monsunregn och har regnat konstant i 6 dagar och det är översvämningar. Dom håller visst på och evakuerar på Koh Samui och Surat Thani var ännu värre. Massor med folk är isolerade och ännu fler är utan el.
Men som sagt tack vare Jennifer så fick vi ju reda på det i tid så vi har nu avbokat hotellet och flyget och bokat om, så nu ska vi till Koh Chang istället. Om det är nån som har varit där så får ni gärna ge lite tips på vad man ska göra och inte göra, vart man ska vara och inte vara :)
Annars går det väl som det ska. Väskorna är typ packade och vi har haft 2 "avskedsfester" i helgen, jag har haft sista kickboxningsträningen :( och ja snart bär det av.
As most of you might know, we were planning on having a 2 week holiday in Thailand on our way down under. We were flying to Surat Thani and then spend a week on the coast and then maybe head over to Koh Samui. But that's not gonna happen.
Thanks to Jennifer we found out that they are having massive monsoon rain where we were going. It's been raining constantly for 6 days and the places are flooded. They are evacuating Koh Samui and Surat Thani was even worse! Loads of people are isolated due to the floods and even more are without power.
But as I said, thanks to Jennifer we found out about this in time so we have now cancelled the hotel and flight and rebooked so we are now going to Koh Chang instead. It looks really nice and if anyone has been there and have some tips on where to go and not go and what to do or not to do, you are more than welcome to let us know :)
Besides this everything is as it should I think. The bags are more or less packed and we've had 2 "leaving parties" this weekend and I had my last kickboxing training session yesterday :( and tomorrow we're off!
This is what it looks like where we were going. Link to Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet