Elephant, coffee & rice
On our second to last day in Bali we went on a tour. We'd hired a driver who took us around.
First we stopped at Goa Gajah, the Elephant Cave. Apparently it's an elephant head above the entrance to the cave, I didn't think it looked like an elephant but it was still nice :)
After the cave we went to a coffee plantage which was great! We got to see the gardens with coffee beans, cocoa beans, gingseng, sugar canes, avocados, passion fruit, tamarillos, pepper, tobacco and lots more and we also had a guy who told us everything about them, it was really interesting.
Then we got to try some coffees, teas and hot chocolate. Neither Andrew nor I like coffee but we actually liked 2-3 of them and bought the vanilla and the gingseng coffees and lemongrass tea and ginger tea.
Then it was time for lunch and we had lunch at a restaurant called Bar Swastika (!) and we had amazing views over Lake Batur and Mt Batur.
On our way back to the hotel we stopped and had a look at rice fields.
It was a really nice day and we were both really impressed with the coffee place.

Andrew in the borrowed sarong at Goa Gajah

Me at Goa Gajah

Luwak coffee, cocoa, cinnamon, vanilla



Lake Batur

Mt Batur

Rice terrace
Monkey Forest
Idag åkte vi in till Ubud och gick omkring i ca 5 timmar, vi kollade marknaden, affärer och även Monkey Forest. När vi väl tog oss dit så stod det "stängt" på en skylt, men vi får andra som gick in och det var ingen grind eller nåt så vi följde efter. Det tog inte lång tid innan vi såg den första apan och sen kom det flera, det var apor nästan överallt! Jag tycker att dom är lite läskiga jag vill inte att dom kommer för nära. Det fanns folk som sålde bananer som vi kunde mata aporna med men nej tack, vi såg en kvinna som hade gjort det och aporna klättrade på henne.

Själva templena va stängda men det gjorde inget, vi var ju där för att se aporna :)
Today we went to Ubud and walked around for about 5 hours. We checked out the market, some shops and the Monkey Forest. When we finally managed to get to the forest there was a sign saying it was closed, but there was no gate and we saw another couple walk in so we followed. It didn't take long until we saw the first monkey and then there were more, they were everywhere! I think the monkeys are a bit scary and I don't want them to get too close. There were people selling bananas which we could feed the monkeys with but no thank you, we saw a woman who had bought bananas and the monkeys were all over her.
The actualy temples were closed but we didn't mind, I mean we were there to see the monkeys :)

One of the temples and some monkeys

Some of the monkeys try and get some food out from the cage

Nyepi Day
Idag är det Nyepi Day, Tystnadens Dag. Det är inte så illa som det låter, vi måste inte vara helt tysta men vi måste följa vissa regler.

Ingen får gå ut, vakter går ute på gatorna och ser till att ingen lämnar sitt hus eller hotell, man får inte tända brasor eller ha lyset på, man får inte jobba eller väsnas för mycket.
Allt detta är för att övertyga de onda andarna att Bali är obebott så att dom lämnar ön ifred i ett år till.
Vi fick alltså inte lämna hotellet men som tur va fick vi lämna våra rum och vi fick bada i poolen och sånt.
Sen kom personalen och började tejpa igen fönstrena och dörrarna på vårat rum med svart plast, jag frågade varför och det var så att vi skulle kunna ha lamporna tända inne. Det var ju snällt men det är ändå lite läskigt att inte kunna se ut, men å andra sidan, det är kolsvart ute så det finns inget att se.
TV kanalerna funkar inte men vi har DVD spelare och köpte några filmer i Thailand så vi har ju nåt att kolla på :)
Today it's Nyepi Day, the Day of Silence. It's not as bad as it sounds, we don't have to be completely quiet but we did get some rules to follow.
No one is allowed to go out on the streets or to the beach or anywhere, there are guards patrolling the streets to make sure no one leaves their house or hotel, you are not allowed to light fires or turn on the lights, you are not allowed to do any work or make too much noise. All this to convince the evil spirits that no one lives on Bali and they will leave the island alone for another year.
So yeah, we were not allowed to leave the hotel but luckily we were allowed to leave our rooms, we could stay by the pool and stuff. Then all of a sudden some members of staff started to cover the windows and doors of our room with black plastic. I asked them why and they said it was so that we would be able to have the light on without it being visable from the outside. That was nice and quite clever of them but it is a bit creepy to sit here without being able to look out, but on the other hand, it's completely black outside so we wouldn't be able to see anything anyway.
None of the TV channels work but we have a DVD player and we got some movies in Thailand, so we've watched some of those :)

This is where we spent our day

Having a cup of tea by the pool

Our room

After they covered it up
När vi vaknade imorse så sken solen, det var så underbart. Vi åt frukost och badade lite i poolen, sen såg vi regnmolnen komma in och efter ett par minuter öppnade sig himlen och regnet vräkte ner, så vi gick in och gjorde i ordning oss. Sen tog vi en taxi till Seminyak centrum. Då va solen framme igen, vi kollade lite i affärer, åt en jättegod lunch och sen gick vi och kollade in stranden.

Imorrn är det Nyepi Day, Dagen av Total Tystnad, det är mer eller mindre precis som det låter och "firandet" började idag med att de flesta ställena hade stängt eller stängde tidigt. Så när vi skulle ut och äta middag var det svårt att hitta nånstans, men vi gick till samma ställe vi var på igår, dom hade fortfarande öppet.
Sen va det en parad med stora "dockor" som kallas Ogoh-Ogoh som symboliserar elaka andar. Dockorna va inte vackra men det var väl det som var meningen, men de små barnen som hjälpte till att bära dom var skit gulliga!
Imorrn ska bli spännande, vi har fått ett papper på lite regler men dom är inte så tydliga så vi får se hur det går, vi får bla inte tända lamporna, men jag undrar om vi får ha TVn på eller dator? Detta kommer iaf att pågå from kl 6 imorrn bitti tom kl 6 lördag morgon. Om vi inte får ha TVn på och utan tända lampor så kommer det nog bli en tidig kväll imorrn :)
When we got up this morning the sun was shining, it was lovely! We had breakfast then swam in the pool, when we saw the rain clouds come closer we got inside and just in time before the sky opened up. So we got ready and then we took a taxi to Seminyak center, by then the sun was out again and we had a look around the shops and had a really nice lunch before checking out the beach.
Tomorrow it's Nyepi Day, the Day of Total Silence and it's more or less exactly as it sounds and the "celebrations" started today with most places closed or they closed early. So when we went to get some dinner it was quite hard to find somewhere but we did.
Then we saw bits of the parade with big "dolls" called Ogoh-Ogoh, symbolizing evil spirits. The dolls were not pretty but I guess that was the point, but the little kids helping with carrying them were so cute!
Tomorrow will be interesting. We got an information sheet with some rules for tomorrow but they weren't that clear. I mean, we are not allowed to turn the lights on, but what about the TV and laptop? All this is "happening" between 6 am tomorrow morning to 6 am Saturday morning. So if we can't use the TV or laptop or have the lights on, there will be an early night tomorrow :)

This morning

30 min later

Seminyak beach

An Ogoh-Ogoh doll

and another one
Nu är vi i Bali!

Kom i måndags, då va vädret lite hit och dit, lite moln och lite sol, vi tog en promenad till stranden, där blåste det halv storm, hade hela nyllet och huvet fullt av sand när vi kom tillbaka.
Igår regnade det, det var bara lite duggregn så vi tog en promenad, satte oss på en restaurang för att äta lunch och då började det spöregna helt hysteriskt, riktigt monsunregn. Så när vi hade ätit klart tog vi en taxi tillbaka till hotellet. Sen gick jag till ett spa här i närheten och fick lite massage.
Bali är jäkla billigt, både mat, massage och taxi och sånt. Alkohol är det inte lika bra med, i en del affärer kan man köpa sprit men det är inga man känner igen och dom varnar för att dricka "lokal" sprit, man kan bli förgiftad och det vill vi ju inte :)
We are now in Bali!
We arrived on Monday, the weather was a bit so and so, a bit of cloud and a bit of sun. We took a walk to the beach but it was sooo windy there, we got completely sandblasted, I still have sand coming out of my ears and hair!
Yesterday it rained, started of as a drizzle so we took a walk, then when we were having lunch the rain picked up, big time, it was proper monsoon rain. So when we'd finished eating we took a taxi back to the hotel. Then I went to a spa nearby for some massage.
So far Bali is cheaper than Thailand, at least for massage, food and taxi and stuff. However, the selection of alcohol is not very good, there are no real "brands" and they say you should be careful with local alcohol cause you might get poisoned and we don't want that now do we :)

Our room


Our hotel pool